
  • Target Gene Expression

    Target gene expression refers to the process of inducing or evaluating the expression of a specific gene of interest within a biological system, such as cultured cells or an organism. This can be achieved through various methods, including overexpression, gene silencing, or gene editing. To analyze the expression levels of your target gene after performing…

  • Incubate Cells

    Incubating cells refers to maintaining the cells under controlled and optimal environmental conditions, allowing them to grow, divide, and carry out their normal cellular functions. To incubate cells, follow these general guidelines: Note that the specific incubation conditions, cell culture medium, and seeding density can vary depending on the cell type, experimental goals, and the…

  • Complex Condenser

    A complex condenser, in the context of transfection, is an agent that promotes the formation of stable and compact complexes between the nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and the transfection reagent. This condensation can improve the efficiency of cellular uptake and the overall transfection process. The formation of stable complexes is particularly important when using…